As we step into a new era of communication, the process of drafting professional emails is constantly evolving. In 2024, many of us faced numerous challenges and dilemmas regarding emails, causing us to make several mistakes. However, fear not! In this blog, we will highlight the top five mistakes made in 2024 and provide valuable tips on how to avoid them in 2025. Let's dive right in!

1. Neglecting the Personal Touch: In 2024, it became common to rely on instant messaging platforms such as WhatsApp or Slack channels, causing the personal touch in emails to suffer. To ensure effective communication, it is crucial to maintain the personal element in emails. Begin your emails with a warm greeting and address the recipient by their name. An empathetic tone can go a long way in building strong relationships.
Example Email: Subject: Checking In – Project Update Hi Sarah, I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to share a quick update on the marketing campaign project. Your contributions last week were incredibly valuable, and I appreciate your insights. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything I can clarify. Warm regards, Alex
By embracing this approach, you’re engaging in drafting professional emails that maintain warmth and sincerity. Consider exploring an email writing course or a professional email course to further refine these skills and enhance your email writing basics.
2. Over reliance on Instant Messaging Platforms: Instant messaging platforms gained popularity for their quick nature, leading many to neglect emails altogether. However, in 2025, it is important to strike a balance. Emails offer a more formal and thorough means of communication, especially for professional or important matters. If you are a manager, it becomes imperative to document important information over an email, while you might have the urge to keep it informal. Combine the convenience of instant messaging with the professionalism of email to excel in communication.
Example Email: Subject: Summary of Today’s Discussion Hello Team, Thank you for the productive discussion on Slack this morning. As we agreed, I’m summarising the key action items here for clarity and future reference: - Update the Q1 marketing deck by Friday. - Finalise the budget proposal by Tuesday. - Schedule a follow-up meeting for next Monday. Please let me know if I missed anything. This email will serve as our official record. Best regards, Maria
Such a practice complements business email writing principles and allows for better documentation. Pairing instant messaging with email creates a robust communication strategy—something you can master through business writing training focused on drafting professional emails for 2025.
3. Inappropriate Use of CC and BCC: Misusing the CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) fields was a significant issue in 2024. To avoid unnecessary clutter in recipients' inboxes, make sure to use the CC field only when the recipient(s) need to be informed but aren't directly involved in the conversation. Moreover, when BCC is required, inform the recipients in advance to avoid breaching trust or causing embarrassment. However, your company might have an IT policy of not using BCC at all. Ensure you are drafting professional emails keeping such policies in mind.
Example Email: Subject: Project X: Stakeholder Update Hi John, As discussed, the revised timeline for Project X is attached. I’ve CC’d Sarah and Mark so they can stay informed, but no action is required from them at this time. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification. Warm regards, Lena
By being mindful of CC and BCC usage, you maintain professional decorum and trust. Continual improvement in business email writing can be achieved by taking an email writing course designed to improve understanding of effective communication protocols.
4. Unclear or Subject-Less Emails: Subject-less or one word subject line emails were a constant source of frustration in 2024, often leading to misunderstandings and delayed responses. To stand out in 2025, always include a clear and concise subject line that accurately represents the content of your email. This enables recipients to understand the context and prioritize their responses accordingly, especially when they get 500+ emails each day.
Example Email: Subject: Approval Needed for Q2 Budget Report Hi Raj, I’ve completed the Q2 budget report. Could you please review and approve by the end of the day? Your timely feedback will help us proceed with the next steps. Thank you, Emma
Mastering clear subject lines and coherent content is central to email writing basics. As you continue drafting professional emails, consider investing in a professional email course or business writing training program to ensure clarity and precision in every message.
5. Ignoring Proper English Language Practices: With the rise of shorthand and informal language, the incorrect usage of grammar and spelling errors became commonplace in 2024. In 2025, it is crucial to uphold proper English language practices. Proofread your emails before sending them to ensure accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This demonstrates professionalism and helps to avoid misunderstandings. If your company permits you to use AI tools such as Grammarly or ChatGPT, please use them freely - there is no harm in taking some help from Artificial Intelligence.
Example Email: Subject: Follow-Up on Annual Report Feedback Hello Maria, Thank you for reviewing the annual report. I’ve made the adjustments you suggested and corrected the spelling errors. Attached is the updated version. Please let me know if this now aligns with your expectations. Warm regards, Aditya
Adhering to proper language practices enhances your credibility. Continuous improvement in this area—whether through a business writing training program or a structured email writing course—can help you excel in drafting professional emails.
2025 Best Practices for Drafting Professional Email :
To excel in email communication in 2025, here are a few practices recommended by Yzerly:
Concise and Relevant Content: It is important to keep your emails concise, focusing on relevant information. Avoid unnecessary details, but ensure clarity in your message.
Example: Subject: Final Task Reminder – Marketing Campaign Hi Team, Just a quick reminder to finalise the marketing campaign content by tomorrow’s deadline. Please confirm once completed. Thanks, Amit
Custom Templates: Create email templates to save time and maintain consistency. However, ensure that you personalise each email to make the recipient feel valued.
Example Template Snippet: Subject: [Project/Task] – Next Steps Hi [Name], I hope you’re doing well. Following up on [Project/Task], here are the next steps: [Step 1] [Step 2] [Step 3] Please feel free to reach out if you need clarification. Kind regards, [Your Name]
Sensitivity to Time Zones: In a globalised world, be mindful of different time zones when sending emails. Use scheduling features to ensure messages arrive at suitable times.
Example: Subject: Meeting Agenda for Global Team (Scheduled Delivery) Hello All, Attached is the agenda for tomorrow’s global team call. This email is scheduled to reach everyone at 9 AM their local time to ensure a fresh start. See you on the call! Karen
Utilise Proper Signatures: Include a professional signature that includes your contact information, job title, and any relevant links. This enables convenient and quick access to further resources.
Example Signature: Best regards, Arun Gupta Senior Marketing Manager | Yzerly | +1-555-123-4567
Clear Call to Action: Include a clear call to action to ensure the recipient knows what to do once they read the email. This reduces the turnaround time and improves reader response time.
Example: Subject: Confirming Attendees for Thursday’s Workshop Hi Team,If you plan to attend the Thursday workshop, please click “Reply All” and confirm by end of day. Your response helps us finalise the headcount. Thank you, Nina
As we move forward into 2025, let's learn from the mistakes of the past and embrace the changing landscape of email communication. You do not need an elaborate email writing course to structure your emails clearly. Drafting professional emails requires you to remember these essentials: to maintain a personal touch, strike a balance between messaging platforms and emails, use CC and BCC judiciously, and uphold proper English language practices. By incorporating these practices, you will undoubtedly master the art of writing better emails in 2025. Happy emailing!
If you’re looking to take your skills further, consider a professional email course or business writing training that covers email writing basics and business email writing, ensuring you’re fully equipped for the evolving demands of professional communication.